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Wishing all of our families a very healthy, safe and happy summer break! We look forward to seeing you back here in September!
Home Page


Church of England Community Academy Trust

Year 4



🔘 PE Day: Tuesday

🔘 Library Day: Thursday and Friday

🔘 Classes: 4D - Miss Dromey, 4EP - Mrs Ealey & Miss Potter

🔘 Drop off and collection: Please bring your children to the side door of the Mitchell Building

🔘 Pick up: At home time, please stand near the exit door. The teachers will let your child go once they can safely see you. Please do not call for your child to leave until their teacher has seen you.













Home learning expectations per week:

🔘 20 rounds of Times Table Rock Stars

🔘 400 points of Spelling Frame (see spellings overview below)

🔘 10 minutes of daily reading (where possible with/to an adult)



