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Please remember the week commencing Monday 17th February 2025 is half term week. The academy will reopen to children on Monday 24th February! Have a lovely week!
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Church of England Community Academy Trust

Mental Health Champions

At Freemantle we have appointed Mental Health Champions. Our Mental Health Champions are easily visible through their Yellow sweatshirts with the 'Mental Health Champion' logo on. 


Through the appointment of Freemantle Mental Health Champions we aim to: 

  • Remove taboos about mental health.
  • Improve understanding of mental health, both within the Academy and in the wider community.
  • Allow children to develop pupil voice regarding mental health by providing regular opportunities for them to talk and ensure that they understand they are not alone. 
  • Support the development of Restorative Practice.
  • Develop children's ability to understand, talk about and share emotions. 

This year our Mental Health Champions have carried out various activities to raise awareness of Mental Health. This has included a parent coffee morning, handing out positive affirmations and designing games for our families, under the Mental Health Awareness week's theme of Let's Connect. Our Mental Health Champions will be meeting soon to plan how they would like to raise Mental Health Awareness across the next academic year, so check back later to see what we have planned!
