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Church of England Community Academy Trust

PSHE & RSHE Consultation

At Freemantle we use the terms PSHE and RSHE. So we are clear on what these terms mean, we have provided definitions below:


PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health, Emotional, and Economic Education.


RSHE stands for Relationships, Sex and Health Education. 

Please click on the link below to watch the PSHE & RSHE consultation video...

On Thursday 18th May we held an online meeting for parents to share and discuss our PSHE and RSHE provision. We plan on hosting further events in the new academic year, but in the meantime if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Myszkowski or Mrs Bevan-Mackie. Thank you.

Please navigate to the 'Curriculum' tab, then click on 'Freemantle Curriculum', then click on 'PSHE and RSHE' where you will find further information about our planned curriculum for PSHE and RSHE. Thank you.
