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Wishing all of our families a very healthy, safe and happy summer break! We look forward to seeing you back here in September!
Home Page


Church of England Community Academy Trust

Contact Us

The Academy address is:

Freemantle CE Community Academy,

Mansion Road,



SO15 3BQ


Please note, to attend before and after school care provision you need to go to the Paynes Road entrance and ring the doorbell to alert the staff. 


At 8.40am and 3.15pm, you can access the academy via the gates on Mansion Road, Waterloo Road and Paynes Road. At all other times of the day you must go to the Mansion Road entrance and ring the buzzer on the gate to alert the office staff. Thank you.


General Enquiries and Academy Office:

You can contact the academy by phone on 02380227925 or email on:


Mrs Kim Remsbery, a member of our admin team, will be on hand to respond to queries from parents, carers of members of the public.


Please note, you can also contact the Headteacher, Miss Nina Myszkowski via the above contacts.


Special Educational Needs:

Please contact our SENCo, Debbie Ricks, via email on:


Chair of Directors:

You can contact our Chair of Directors, Val Caldwell, on:


Thank you. We look forward to welcoming you to our academy.
