Collective Worship contributes significantly to the ethos of Freemantle C.E. Community Academy Trust and it is a time when we can…
Why do we have acts of Collective Worship?
Collective Worship offers all schools the chance to explore and understand the values at the heart of our ethos.
Collective Worship is part of our daily routine and provides a shared language of values to build our Freemantle Family. It is a time for pupils and staff to gather together and reflect.
Every half term, we explore a new Collective Worship theme which is part of our two year rolling cycle of themes. We share the half termly theme with our families via our PIB (Parent Information Bulletin) so that everyone is able to reflect on this value both at school and at home if they wish.
Freemantle Christ Church
When we can, we enjoy visiting Freemantle Christ Church which is situated at the end of our playground. Sometimes we even gather in the church for special acts of worship. Although the church currently does not have an incumbent, we are hopeful that the diocese will appoint someone soon who will be able to be part of our Freemantle Family.
The content of all acts of Collective Worship are planned with careful consideration to ensure relevance and suitability for the ages, stages and backgrounds of all pupils. Planning is provided as a starting point and is flexible to allow the inclusion of current and topical issues.
This chart show the two cycles we follow. This year we are following cycle A.
| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Cycle A | Friendship | Trust | Courage | Compassion | Creativity | Perseverance |
Cycle B | Respect | Generosity | Thankfulness | Justice | Forgiveness | Truthfulness |
At Freemantle we value and respect the beliefs of others and learn about the different religions and worldviews they may have. We follow the agreed syllabus, Living Difference III, in our RE lessons and, as a Church of England School, we also use the scheme Understanding Christianity, a recommended syllabus from the diocese.