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Welcome back to the academy for the start of the second half of the Spring Term - 24th February to 4th of April
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Church of England Community Academy Trust

Academy Applications (Apps)

How do we share letters and important updates with our families?

At Freemantle we use a selection of useful desktop and mobile applications (apps) to communicate with our families. Below you can find information about how to download and access these apps, as well as a description about what we use the apps for. 

Parent Mail

ParentMail is our main platform for communication with our parents. As an 'Eco School' we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and therefore, unless you advise the Academy office, all letters and bulletins will be sent to you via this app. The Parent Information Bulletin (PIB) is sent out every Friday via ParentMail, and this informs you about all the latest news and events from our Academy. Please follow the instructions below to download the app. Thank you.


Download instructions:

App is available to download on apple and android app stores

Search for IRIS ParentMail on your app store

Download the IRIS ParentMail app

Enter your email address and then your password

*Note- before accessing the app you must have a password created, which will be sent through an email and/or a text message*

If you cannot see an email or text message from IRIS ParentMail then please speak to our admin staff who can resend it.

Marvellous Me

Marvellous Me is an app you can use to find out more about things happening in the Academy. Each key stage uses the app a little differently, for example, in EYFS we use the app as a 'floor book' to share current learning foci and books we are exploring. In KS1 and KS2 we use it to share information as well as celebrate children's achievements. Follow the instructions below to download the app. Thank you.


Download instructions:

App is available to download on Apple and Android app stores

Search for MarvellousMe on your app store

Download the MarvellousMe for Parents app

Enter the join code in the top right hand corner of the letter sent out to you

Enter your child’s name (as written on the letter)


For more detailed information on how to use the app, please click on the link below.

Tapestry Learning Journal (EYFS only)

Tapestry is a secure online learning journal to record photos, videos, information and comments in line with the EYFS to share learning experiences with our families. At Freemantle, we meet regularly with our families face to face to share updates and encourage partnership working, but the app also enables parents and carers to share learning that is happening at home to broaden practitioners knowledge of the whole child. Please follow the instructions below to download and use the app. Thank you.


Download instructions:

App is available to download on Apple, Kindle and Android app stores

Search for Tapestry Journal on your app store

Download the Tapestry Journal app

Enter the your email address and password

*Note- before accessing the app you must have a password created, which will be sent through an email after returning your letter*

If you cannot see an email then please speak to your child's teacher who can resend it.


For more detailed information on how to use the app, please click on the link below.
