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Please remember the week commencing Monday 17th February 2025 is half term week. The academy will reopen to children on Monday 24th February! Have a lovely week!
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Church of England Community Academy Trust

Speech and Language

Welcome to our Speech, Language                 and Communication Needs page!


Being able to communicate is one of the most important skills we need in life,  Almost everything we do involves communication; everyday tasks such as learning at school, asking for food and drink, sorting out our problems, making friends and having fun.  These all rely on our ability to communicate with each other.*


*The Makaton Charity


My name is Miss Tizard

and I am the very happy  S.a.L.S.A., here at

Freemantle Community Academy.


S.a.L.S.A. stands for Speech and  Language Support Assistant. 


Here at Freemantle, I have the best job in the whole school! 


I support the N.H.S. Speech Therapist that is attached to our school.  I deliver the therapy that she  prescribes for the pupils on her caseload. 


I also support our school S.E.N.D.CO, by assessing the speech clarity, use and understanding of language abilities of our children.  I contribute to E.H.C.P. applications and Annual Reviews.   


I work together with the teachers to create a communication friendly classroom and provide different strategies for individual children, for example, setting up a workstation.  


Of course, the most fun part of my job is in supporting the children!  I work with pupils in small groups or one to one, in our dedicated speech and language space, The Haven.   We have a wonderfully calm, therapeutic room enabling children to relax and  access speech and language therapy through play based tasks.


Have a look through these page links below.

You might find some of the video sessions and ideas fun to share at home!   You can find out more about how Speech, Language and Communication develop and how children with a speech or language  difficulty are supported here at our lovely school . 

