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Church of England Community Academy Trust

Writing LS


At Freemantle, carefully chosen literature in the form of fiction books, non-fiction texts, poems, models and other examples of writing provide a context and set standards for exciting, engaging and challenging writing opportunities for all learners, enabling them to progress and achieve to the best of their ability; pupils’ reading links meticulously to their writing. 

We aim for each individual learner to see themselves as a writer and view the subject positively, recognising its importance in wider life – both in their present situation and in their future aspirations.  


Our curriculum and delivery of writing lessons allows learners to draw upon their reading to inspire, support, develop and extend the quality of their writing. There are links made between/across books/reading materials, the teaching of reading, and writing. Whilst we promote the inter-linking of the subjects under the umbrella term English, we recognise that explicit skills are best taught in explicit writing and in reading lessons.  


The intent of our writing curriculum is to: 

  • For pupils to have a positive perception of writing, view themselves as writers and see the purpose of writing within and beyond the curriculum. 

  • To develop learners’ oracy skills and wider understanding of language to give them the skills and confidence to write and share writing effectively.  

  • To develop and prioritise the mechanical accuracy of pupils’ speaking and writing to allow them to express themselves effectively and communicate meaningfully to the intended audience 

  • Develop knowledge of the components of writing and facilitate writing task design that has meaning (to the children), purpose, context, challenge and scaffolding so that by the end of their time at Freemantle, pupils are able to express themselves confidently across a range of genres and purposes. 


  • The English Leaders work with teachers to carefully develop a reading spine that guarantees pupils who complete a full Freemantle curriculum have explored a rich and diverse range of texts that expand their knowledge of literature and provide them with the knowledge to succeed after they leave us. This provides the main context for writing at Freemantle. 

  • Allow learners to draw upon their knowledge and experiences of existing stories, to write for a range of purposes, supported by knowledge of settings, characters, plots and vocabulary. 

  • Models set high expectations and provide interest for learners. Books and texts, as well as genres and writing tasks are mapped out in long-term planning in each year group which progresses meaningfully over time to give pupils opportunities to consolidate and build skills within genres.  

  • Writing skills are also mapped out to provide progression so that pupils revisit and activate prior knowledge as a basis for their development as writers. 

  • We prioritise the explicit teaching of vocabulary across our curriculum, including opportunities to apply vocabulary in the English curriculum, and draw on this to support pupils writing. 

  • To progressively teach pupils the skills of rehearsing, checking and redrafting work to allow pupils to communicate meaningfully and be understood. 

  • We teach the mechanics of writing explicitly to ensure grammatical competence and accuracy is embedded and does not detract from pupils’ intended meaning when writing. 

  • In EYFS and Key Stage 1, we promote fluent written transcription skills through extensive practice opportunities underpinned by the explicit teaching of phonics, handwriting & spelling through the Little Wandle scheme.  



In Nursery, children have the opportunity to develop early phonics at phase 1 level. In addition to this, pupils are exposed to a wide range of nursery rhymes and traditional tales. There is specific focus on developing vocabulary and children have opportunities to explore mark making, working towards some letters in their name.



In a typical learning journey, pupils gain a secure understanding of a story/text and use this to support their writing. Early in the Autumn term, pupils are shown/teachers model letter formation so that pupils can apply skills to to represent initial sounds, progressing to CVC words at phase 2 phonics. Pupils also complete writing enhancement activities to further develop their fine motor skills and phonetic understanding. As pupils progress, they use the context of what has been shared in reading to write short sentences in response to a story or experience. 


To ensure pupils are supported to develop writing skills, teachers and support staff work in rotation to focus on groups so that extensive support can be offered to pupils.



Reception also complete Drawing Club. Read about Drawing Club by clicking here.



In a typical learning journey, pupils gain a secure understanding of a story/text and use this to support their writing. In the Autumn term, the learning journey retains the structure of the summer term Autumn journey in Reception to aid transition. Extensive modelling is incorporated into each lesson so that pupils can observe the mechanics of writing in action. Teachers and support staff work on a rotational basis to provide extensive verbal feedback to pupils to ensure the mechanics of writing are applied accuracy. In Year 1 in the Autumn Term, pupils advance from writing isolated sentences to a series of sentences, developing stamina. Typically in the Spring Term, the learning journey advances to an S plan in which the end-goal has a specific purpose, audience and form. 



Year 1's English approach is underpinned by Greg Bottrill's Curious Quests. Read more about Curious Quests by clicking here.



In the Autumn, Year 2 writing retains the Summer s-plan format used in Year 1. Pupils have opportunities to develop fluency in key curriculum skills before completing an extended writing task. Along the journey, the teacher offers extensive modelling so that pupils can be involved in constructing writing, emphasising the fundamentals as well as opening up conversations linked to purpose, audience and tone. Typically in the spring term, pupils have greater opportunities to apply the writing skills they have acquired in independent writing tasks.



Pupils leaving Year 2 will have already written across a range of forms that will provide an opportunity to develop a core set of skills. Pupils have also completed a range of writing journeys laid out on S plans, working towards an end goal with a specific purpose, audience and tone. Therefore, pupils are well-prepared to move into Key Stage 2 where pupils continue to use S plans as a basis for their writing journey.


Learning journey format, examples:
