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Parents and Carers- the academy has appointed DOLCE food services to provide school meals from 5th November- you will have already received all the information you need about the changeover. Thankyou
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Church of England Community Academy Trust


Information for families

  • Please can you encourage your child to come in to nursery independently. The nursery team will support them to put their bottle, bag and coat away and find their key group carpet area
  • Library day is Wednesday- don't forget to bring back your child's book and book bag ready for them to choose a new book!
  • Please can your child bring in a labelled water bottle each day
  • If your child is using pull ups, please bring in a bag with spare pull ups, wipes and nappy sacks 
  • Please can all children bring in a bag with numerous spare clothes and pants 
  • Any questions, please just ask a member of the Nursery team

Themes for the year

(these may change depending on the children's interests)


                    Marvellous Me                                                                Let's Celebrate

                       (Autumn 1)                                                                      (Autumn 2)


      Once upon a Fairy Tale                                                              Adventurous Explorers

              (Spring 1)                                                                                    (Spring 2)


           Amazing Animals                                                               The Great Outdoors

              (Summer 1)                                                                         (Summer 2)

Medium Term Plans and Book Warmers
