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Wishing all of our families a very healthy, safe and happy summer break! We look forward to seeing you back here in September!
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Church of England Community Academy Trust

Year 1




🔘 PE Day: Thursday

🔘 Library Day: 1W - Thursday; 1K - Friday

🔘 Classes: 1W - Mr Whittle, 1K - Miss Kinsella

🔘 1W Classroom: Mr Whittle's classroom is on the ground floor of the Mitchell building, next to the courtyard.

🔘 1K Classroom: Miss Kinsella's classroom is on the ground floor of the Mitchell building, next to the playground..

🔘 Drop off: Please say goodbye to your children at the entrance door.

🔘 Pick up: At home time, please stand near the exit door so that your child's teacher can safely send your child to you.





Phonics Screening Check MeetingTuesday 16th April (3.40)
Phonics Screening WeekWB 10th June 2024





We strongly encourage 10-15 minutes of daily reading: sharing stories with your children and listening to them read at their own phonics level are both important.



                  NUMBOTS                                       LITTLE WANDLE, LETTERS AND SOUNDS

  Used to develop maths fluency                      Our approach to teaching and learning phonics
