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Church of England Community Academy Trust

Curriculum Aims

The Freemantle Curriculum

In 2022, our Academy created its own creative curriculum which is based upon the requirements of the EYFS Statutory Guidance and National Curriculum.


The thematic model has been carefully planned around our Freemantle Reading Spine, which was created to instil a love of reading and help children to appreciate the diverse world we live in.


Our curriculum has been planned to stimulate and inspire our children and allow them to work effectively, independently and collaboratively. For every National Curriculum subject, our teachers have carefully mapped out the skills which will be taught and the knowledge children will learn. All of this information can be explored under the 'Freemantle Curriculum' tab.


The slides below share our Freemantle Curriculum Aims, which underpin this curriculum offer. Our aims were carefully created by considering our wonderfully diverse school community and our ever changing needs both at Freemantle and in society. Please speak to a member of our wonderful team if you would like to know more, because effective communication builds community.

Our Curriculum Aims at Freemantle.mp4

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