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Church of England Community Academy Trust

Rights, Respecting Schools Award

To date we have achieved our Silver 'Rights, Respecting School' award. There are four key areas of impact for children at a Rights Respecting school; wellbeing, participation, relationships and self-esteem.


A Rights Respecting school can have a positive impact on the whole school community.

A child who understands their rights understands how they and others should be treated and their sense of self-worth is strengthened.


By promoting the values of respect, dignity and non-discrimination, children’s self-esteem and wellbeing is boosted and they become less likely to suffer from stress.


We support our children to learn and know their rights through making them aware of the 54 articles from the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. We do not expect our children to memorise their rights, but instead through PSHE/RSHE, the promotion of British Values, and through SMSC activities and Collective Worship we help them learn more about these rights and how they impact on their lives.


If you would like to read more about the RRSA please visit:
