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Church of England Community Academy Trust

Year 2

Key Information:


πŸ‘¨πŸ»‍πŸ«πŸ‘¨πŸΌ‍🏫 Classes: 2D Turtles (Mr Dyer), 2L Otters (Mr Leigh) 


Both classes are located downstairs in the main school building. At drop off, please say goodbye to your children in the courtyard and allow them to enter their classrooms independently. At home time, please wait in the courtyard so that your child's teacher can send your child to you.


⚽ PE will take place on Wednesdays - children can wear their PE kits to school on this day.


πŸ“š Library day will also be on Wednesdays.


πŸ“– Phonics books will be returned and swapped on Fridays.


πŸ‘šπŸ₯€ Please remember to label your children's names in their uniform and on their water bottles in case these go missing.


πŸ’» Home learning expectations - 7 turtles/otters coloured in your child's reading record to show that they have read their phonics book every day at home.


Our Themes:



Autumn 2 Knowledge Organisers:

Useful Links:


