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Church of England Community Academy Trust

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Who are our Designated Safeguarding Leaders (DSL's)

At Freemantle Academy we have 1 DSL and 6 deputies (DDSL's) safeguarding leaders. They are...

  • Nina Myszkowski (Lead DSL and EYFS Lead)
  • Debbie Ricks (DDSL Year 1)
  • Russell Dyer (Deputy DSL Year 2)
  • Sam Jolly (Deputy DSL Year 3)
  • Vanessa Dromey (Deputy DSL Year 4)
  • Jackie Martin (Deputy DSL Year 5)
  • Kathryn Bevan-Mackie (Deputy DSL Year 6)

Role of the Designated Safeguarding Leader

The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead and deputies is to take responsibility for safeguarding and child protection within Freemantle C of E Community Academy. At least one DSL must be available during school hours for staff to discuss safeguarding concerns.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (and their deputies) will:


  • Liaise with and manage referrals to relevant agencies such as the Children's Resource Service (CRS), the LADO, the Channel Panel, the Police and the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS);


  • Keep the Headteacher and Board of Directors informed of ongoing safeguarding and child protection issues and enquiries;


  • Provide advice and guidance for staff on safeguarding and child protection issues and in making referrals;


  • Ensure the Academy’s safeguarding and child protection policies are up to date and consistent with the Local Safeguarding Children Board policies and that policies are reviewed annually;


  • Ensure all staff, including students, are aware of and understand policies and procedures and are able to implement them;


  • Attend regular training in order to keep up to date with new policy, emerging issues and local safeguarding and child protection procedures and working practices;


  • Provide regular updates to all staff members and Directors on any changes in safeguarding or child protection legislation (updated information when shared with Designated Safeguarding Leads will be communicated to staff immediately; they may decide to hold workshops or discuss in staff meetings);


  • Have an awareness of those children who may be in need, young carers and children who have special educational needs;


  • Oversee child protection systems within the Academy, including the management of records, standards of recording concerns and referral processes;


  • Provide a link between the Academy and other agencies, particularly Children's Services, Hampshire Police and the Local Safeguarding Children Board;


  • Ensure staff, including temporary staff or students, receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training annually and with regular updates;


  • Ensure parents are fully aware of the Academy policies and procedures and that they are kept informed and involved;


  • Ensure relevant records are passed on appropriately when children transfer to other settings.