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Church of England Community Academy Trust

English as an Additional Language

As an inclusive school, we welcome children from all different backgrounds and cultures. We value different languages and are keen for children to share their knowledge and experience of their own culture and languages.


What is EAL?

The term EAL stands for English as an Additional Language. This term is used when referring to pupils whose main language at home is a language other than English. At Freemantle Academy we aim to work together to meet the full range of needs of these children and their families, ensuring they all feel valued in our school community.


What is NTE?

The term NTE stands for children who are New to English. This term is used when referring to pupils whose main language at home is a language other than English and when the pupils has had little or no exposure to English.


How do we support pupils with EAL or who are NTE?

At Freemantle we recognise the importance of children achieving their potential no matter where their starting point is. We assess the skills and needs of pupils with EAL on admission and provide appropriate provision according to their needs. We use a range of different strategies to support children as they develop fluency for the English language, thus enhancing both their social and academic experiences within the school environment.


Before starting at Freemantle Academy, all families visit the Headteacher for a welcome meeting, where EAL/NTE and levels of fluency are discussed. Together, we will discuss how we feel we can best help and discuss strategies that will help the pupil to express their basic needs. Following identification of children who speak English as an additional language, provision will be provided to support and deliver effective tailored work.
