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Wishing all of our families a very healthy, safe and happy summer break! We look forward to seeing you back here in September!
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Church of England Community Academy Trust

University of Nysa

In Summer Term 2018 we welcomed ten students and their mentor from the University of Nysa in Poland. They came to work with us for a for a two week placement from 30th April until 11th May to conduct a comparative study of the education system in England compared to Poland.


Miss Myszkowski was their mentor for this experience. Prior to the placement she liaised with the University of Nysa to provide the students with some pre-placement reading and research about our school and National Curriculum. This helped provide context for their placement before their arrived in the UK.


The students spent their first week observing in classes across school from Nursery through to Year 6. During their second week they shadowed individual staff for their specific areas of interest and some were brave enough to have a go at teaching in different classes. This was very scary for the students as the pedagogical approaches used for teaching are very different in Poland compared to those we follow and use in the UK.


The students were very grateful for this experience and some were very keen to adopt some of the strategies they were introduced to in their own teaching. We would welcome more students from Nysa again in the future.
