Specialist Speech Therapist Gina Davies, identified the very key to attracting a child’s attention. She recognised that what you are showing them has to be irresistible to look at and interesting to watch. Gina developed her world famous program for Autistic people called Attention Autism. Gina says “Engaging a child is the first critical step to success”. In fact, the results of her program have been so successful that it is now used with neuro-typical (without Autism or other neuro divergence) children as well, with great results!
There is a formula, which is repeated every time, with a clear start and end. There is a progression from Stage 1—The Bucket through to Stage 4.
The Four Stages of
the Attention Intervention
Stage 1 : Teaching a child how to focus their attention. The Bucket.
Stage 2: Teaching a child how to sustain their attention. The Attention Builder.
Stage 3: Teaching the child how to shift their attention to their own individual participation in a group.
Stage 4: Teaching the child how to:
· Focus and sustain attention in a group to watch a demonstration.
· Shift attention for an individual task
· Return to the group, focus and sustain attention for the celebration and review.
It is always terrific fun! I love delivering our Attention Sessions.
I have recorded some Attention Bucket sessions for you to share.
Click on the icon below and follow the link, then watch and enjoy!