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Parents and Carers- the academy has appointed DOLCE food services to provide school meals from 5th November- you will have already received all the information you need about the changeover. Thankyou
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Church of England Community Academy Trust





Butterfly Class- Miss Torpey

Ladybird Class- Mrs Allen

PE Day: Every Thursday

Library Day: Every Thursday

Phonics books: Returned and swapped on Fridays

Uniform: Please remember to label your children's names in their uniform in case these go missing. As the weather is changing, remember to bring a waterproof coat!


Tapestry: Please check Tapestry for regular updates and photographs about what we have been doing in class! Every Monday we will be sharing our learning journey with you for the week ahead.

If you are unable to speak to a class teacher in person, then please contact us on:

Key dates


Tuesday 10th December 9:30am

Wednesday 11th December 2pm

Thursday 12th December 2pm

Friday 13th December 9:30am



In Reception we use topic planning based on broader overarching half termly themes to ensure our children access a rich and varied curriculum. We also ensure that we follow the children’s interests and incorporate their ideas to ensure they are excited and motivated to learn.

Our current theme is...

Themes we explore throughtout the year:

Home learning

  • We strongly encourage 10-15 minutes of daily reading: sharing stories with your children and listening to them read at their own phonics level are both important.
  • Please check out our home learning page below to see links to key learning websites and activities! Don’t forget to check Tapestry to stay up to date with what we are doing.

Useful links
